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Industrial Decarbonization

Group 134
industrial decarbonization

Hard-to-Abate Becomes

Overcoming the barriers created by policies that ignore the potential of unanticipated private sector innovation is AJW’s specialty.

Nowhere is that needed more than in the rapidly evolving space of “hard-to-decarbonize” climate challenges, particularly in the industrial sector.

Our team helps clients analyze their barriers to success and to define strategies for moving forward quickly.

AJW’s Industrial Decarbonization Focus

Since 2003, AJW has supported technology innovators’ work in markets heavily influenced by government policies.

The efforts of many technology innovators to gain market share are often blocked by policies designed without an understanding of the benefits of a particular innovation.

Without an effective outreach strategy, policymakers may be unaware that a particular industrial decarbonization technology is commercially viable or that it exists at all.

Industrial Decarbonization Requires Three Central Approaches

Every pollution challenge in the past has been met with a combination of technology solutions 1) to slow the rate of pollution 2) to clean up past pollution, and 3) to switch to non-polluting alternatives.

Climate change – given its scale and urgency – needs all three approaches in full force. Our clients are focused on delivering in every category:

Reducing Emissions

Many available technologies are being repurposed to help minimize greenhouse gas emissions from existing industrial activities.

However, other innovations are needed to address gaps or to ensure systems are commercially viable.

AJW clients remain focused on delivering solutions to minimize the environmental consequences of industrial combustion wherever it is in use.

  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS)
  • Conventional Pollution Emissions
  • Emissions Measurement and Monitoring

Cleaning Up Past Emissions

AJW believes that we can’t afford to ignore past pollution and only focus on the strategies and technologies that can limit future pollution.

Our clients are developing and commercializing a range of solutions to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere to accelerate the effectiveness of efforts to reduce and eliminate ongoing and future GHG emissions.

  • Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (BECCS)
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
  • Direct Air Capture (DAC)

Switching to Non-Polluting Alternatives

Ultimately, the solution to climate change is to find ways to power our economy that do not involve releasing GHGs into the atmosphere.

While some have passed demonstration and are commercially competitive, others are just coming into view.

New Industrial Decarbonization Technologies

Among these are an exciting collection of industrial decarbonization technologies – and AJW is privileged to support clients developing some of the most exciting solutions to some of the most difficult industrial challenges.

These technologies will, once fully commercialized, eliminate GHG emissions from the cement, concrete, glass, iron, steel, and aviation sectors.

  • Non-combustion Industrial Heat and Power
  • Renewable Syngas Refining
  • Sustainable Aviation Fuel
How can AJW help you make your technology a decarbonization superpower?
Group 135

Our Expertise

Targeted Services

  • Legislative advocacy
  • Market analysis and policy reviews
  • Policy recommendations
  • Regulatory presentations
  • Sector analysis and recommendations
Advance Meaningful Policy

To learn more about AJW and our industrial decarbonization efforts, email us at [email protected].

Our Experts

Haley Armstrong


3 Richard W Corey Leadership small
Richard W. Corey


Rich Kassel


7 Mary Solecki Leadership small
Mary Solecki


Ted Michaels
