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Caitlin Clark 680x581@2x compressedCaitlin Clark, Policy Strategy Associate at AJW, recently co-published an article with Dr James Porter, titled “Usable, but unused: A critical story of co-producing the UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessments.”

Paper Synopsis:

“Non-use of climate information is often attributed to scientists failing to understand what decision-makers need. In response, co-production offers one promising method to improve the usability, and therein, use of climate information. Yet it remains unclear to what extent usability and use are linked, or if other factors influence the non-use of climate information. This paper critically examines two efforts to co-produce climate information for UK adaptation decision-making: the first and second cycles of the climate change risk assessment to gather evidence and then inform the national adaptation programme.”


Our research found that the institutional-political context in which climate information is produced and used, played a significant role in defining who the user should be, how the data analysis was performed, and the extent to which that information was used.

Read the full paper here.

Caitlin’s keen understanding of the science-policy nexus drives her daily work for AJW’s clients. We applaud Caitlin’s publishing achievement.