Climate Policy
Energy Transition
Transportation Decarbonization
Clean Fuels
Science-Policy Nexus
Research & Communication
Caitlin Clark
Senior Associate

About Caitlin
Caitlin Clark manages a portfolio of AJW’s clients who have unique challenges and opportunities as environmental policies and regulations develop at a record pace at the federal and state levels.
Caitlin supports clients with their strategic goals, policy objectives, communication strategies, and research needs.
Caitlin’s background and education in environmental science, and her experience in local government sustainability, contribute to her interdisciplinary perspective for navigating the junctures between science, technology, and policy.
Prior to joining AJW, Caitlin worked for local government in California where she coordinated sustainability programs ranging from energy efficiency and electrification to climate action planning and grant administration, delivering meaningful outcomes to the community. Caitlin then earned her master’s degree, which was focused on climate policy development, evidence-based decision-making, and making science and technical information usable for decision-makers, keys to her success at AJW.
Professional Experience
Policy Strategy Associate, AJW
Energy Conservation Fellow, the City of San José
Sustainability Coordinator, San Mateo County Office of Sustainability
Sustainability Projects Intern, World Travel & Tourism Council
Research Contractor, Science and Environmental Health Network
M.S., Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy, King’s College London
B.A., Environmental Science, Earlham College
Professional Certification, Climate Protection, Skyline College