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Environmental and Health Quality

Group 134
environmental and health quality

Improving Outcomes for All

Environmental and health quality remain critical challenges.

Over one-third of the U.S. population lives in areas that fail to meet air quality standards. Access to clean drinking water is limited in too many communities. Other nations face even greater environmental quality challenges.

The focus on decarbonization can help – but will not address all environmental quality issues.

Reducing Pollution Burdens Is Important

The focus on climate solutions must not distract from the need to reduce pollution burdens for everyone – especially in communities disproportionately exposed to health risks posed by poor environmental quality.

For decades, AJW has helped clients expand and accelerate market demand for environmental solutions to improve soil, air, and water quality.

How AJW Supports Environmental and Health Quality

We support organizations, including the Health Effects Institute, Institute for Clean Air Companies (ICAC), and MECA – expert organizations that provide scientific and technical support to government officials, market participants, and community leaders.

We also work with clients seeking to improve soil and water quality by replacing PFAS (a category of “forever chemicals”) with environmentally benign alternatives.

Our clients include a diverse set of business, academic, government, and non-government organizations working to improve human health and environmental quality.

Group 135

Our Expertise

Targeted Services

  • Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy
  • Policy Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Technical Education
  • Stakeholder Engagement
Advance Environmental Health and Air Quality

Visit our Contact page or email us at [email protected].

Our Experts

Haley Armstrong 267x267 1
Haley Armstrong


11 Rasto Brezny Team small
Rasto Brezny

Executive Director, MECA

3 Richard W Corey Leadership small
Richard W. Corey


Rich Kassel


22 Clare Schulzki Team small
Clare Schulzki

Executive Director, ICAC

7 Mary Solecki Leadership small
Mary Solecki


Haley Armstrong

Senior Advisor, Energy Transition

7 Mary Solecki Leadership small
Mary Solecki
